Burnout Costs $190 Billion in Healthcare Costs a Year!

Burnout can lead to a variety of different health-related issues, including: 

  1. Heart disease

  2. High blood pressure

  3. Type 2 diabetes 

  4. Depression

  5. Anxiety

After prolonged exposure to stress in the workplace, employees' systems (immune, cardiovascular, nervous, digestive) start to become depleted. Compromised internal systems can lead to a domino effect of more significant (and costly) health problems. 

And let’s face it – health issues can snowball quickly. They may start out feeling stressed at work, and  that can often lead to sleep problems at night. This can impact the immune system, which increases the  risk of infectious disease. Over time, lack of sleep impacts all systems, which will in turn leads to chronic conditions – which become costly in more ways than one. Eighty-six cents of every healthcare dollar spent is spent on chronic conditions and their associated symptoms. This increase in healthcare costs - as well as the costly impact on employee engagement, productivity, and performance - are the price organizations pay when burnout is left unaddressed. In fact, we know that burned out U.S. employees cost $125-190 billion a year in healthcare costs alone!

It is much easier (and cheaper) to proactively address burnout in the workplace by providing adequate resources to your people. Here are some tips to get started with fighting burnout today <here>.

The StressLess MethodⓇ is here to help!
Let’s talk about how we can start battling burnout for you <HERE>


How Burnout Busts Employee Retention